Monday, December 9, 2013

Nick Cave - Soundsuit, 2011

Nick Cave is a American artist from Missouri, and some of his famous artworks are from the series, Soundsuits, which are wearable fabric sculptures made with many other materials that are bright and whimsical. Nick started out as a kid focusing on assemblage and using found objects to create art. He also dances and does performance art. I think his multiple skills and talents help him to create his artworks. I can understand and relate to this because I am also skilled in many trades, sports, and art mediums.

            Nick Cave’s, Soundsuits, is inspirational to me because he involves so many materials and use knitting, body suits, and mannequins to hold them together.  This assemblage and combination of ideas and objects inspires me to look for unique objects to go in depth about my theme of coexistence.  The rhythmic visual, repetition of form, and bright colors intrigue me also and I hold to create a strong visual with wire twisted into forms that can create a sense of natural, organic materials.

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