Monday, August 5, 2013

Nathan Sawaya

Nathan Sawaya is a LEGO artist that has an upcoming solo show called, Art of the Brick, at the Discovery Times Square museum.  Sawaya is an amazing artist and many say that his LEGO sculptures are the world’s biggest display of LEGO art ever, which is very interesting to me.  Nathan Sawaya displays character in his LEGO sculptures by doing portraits of the human structure in fascinating ways that make the viewer think there is some back story to the sculpture.  Also, Nathan Sawaya’s LEGO sculptures evoke a strong emotion from the viewer.  This particular piece appears to display a man pulling his chest apart and his insides falling out.  I can also see this piece as a man displaying his heartbreak from a good relationship gone bad and he is letting his heart fall out into pieces from his chest.  That’s what is so interesting with Nathan Sawaya’s artwork is that he focuses on defined concept of his and he has a skill level that is extraordinary.  I am interested in the way Nathan can use LEGO pieces, which are basically tiny pieces of plastic, to create a big structure that forms the human body in a creatively, sensual way. 

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