Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Alec Soth - From the series Broken Manual

This is a photograph by Alec Soth who is an American, contemporary photographer who does many types of photographs from landscapes to couples in places he travels. He is one of my favorite photographers and reminds me of my theme of coexistence for senior seminar. The disco ball in the middle of a forest that we have no notion of the location is fascinating to me. It inspires me to think outside of the box by using photography as a extension of my creative capacity.
            I believe that by using photography in a way that is interesting visually, creative, and entertaining because of its almost surreal image can be a route I may take.  This can be perceived many ways but in my mind, I see the disco ball as “man,” and the forest its hanging in as nature, our environment and world.  This concept is one that is abstract in reality, but that is the path I am inspired to do when I look at some of alec soth’s contemporary photography. 

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