Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Damien Hirst: Entomology

          Damien Hirst has distinct style in art and creates all types of art. In 1984, Hirst earned his BA in Fine Art at Goldsmiths college and was awarded the Turner Prize in 1995. Hirst focuses on many types of art including installation, sculpture, painting and drawing to examine the concepts of art, life and death in relation to each other. He likes to explore the complexity of emotions in humans and he began work on the Entomology Paintings in 2009. This artwork is made by placing many different insects, butterflies and beetle species into Hammerite gloss paint in the form of geometric patterns. Furthermore, this artwork displays Hirst's interest in natural history, which really intrigues me because of the similarity of interests in the complexity of life and beauty of animals and nature.
          I like the patterns, colors, and uniqueness of this artwork Hirst has created.  He likes to show life in death because of the grandeur of beauty in insects like the butterfly for instance, after death. Hirst has creative concepts and thoughts that the normal person doesn't think about which also interests me. His work is full of designs and patterns that are unique in small detail, but display small parts that when looked at from far away show unity and a artwork as a whole that is interesting. I have changed my ideal and I am thinking about doing a blanket showing coexistence between humans and nature. I think that it will look somewhat like a quilt, but will be made of wire and this pattern in Hirst's artwork shown gives me inspiration from a very creative standpoint.